Friday, March 12, 2010

First draft

I just completed my first draft on the essay about the presidential seal. Yay!
In other news...
I'm listening to music by perhaps THE GREATEST MUSICIAN EVER, Jonathan Coulton. He writes nerdy, funny, beautiful music and he doesn't pay people to advertise for him.
I'm just kidding. But really, check out his sight, you can listen to all of his songs for free!
Seriously. Check it out.
My little Brother in kindergarten just got Pneumonia, so we're trying to comfort him. Apparently he was really excited about going to school today (He does math with the second graders and loves it. Six years old and solving for X already--I'm so proud and yet jealous at the same time.)
My older brother (A sophomore in highschool) is going to "As Schools Match Wits" soon, he's on the academic team for Northampton High School. He's also performing live with a quintet to play a piece of music that he wrote himself--I'm talking one of the best pieces of modern classical music that I've ever heard (I know that "Modern Classical Music" is an oxymoron. Just let it go.) All of this on top of his college class and an honors class. Wow.
Thanks for reading my rants, and may the constant milking of old, boring blog jokes (You!!! Are!!! HERE!!!) be with you.

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