Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Hey, guys. Some of you may know that I've got... friends in high places. Well, I recently acquired some bits and pieces of the first in a trilogy of books by Christopher Paolini, Author of The Inheritance Chronicles. Here they are:

The Heirloom Chronicles: Youtar

by Christopher Paolini

The Fyre burned his face as he lit his Ligtin stone. He didn't care; his face was already so worn from the Nijtik battle that he could hardly tell pain from a hikopath bath in the jinkydink woods. Many men and Laktons alike had looked upon his face with fear, but he never seemed to mind. Perhaps he hadn't noticed it, or perhaps he climbed into their rooms at night and devoured them in their Rashtok beds. He used to joke about this with his Kilyitite wife; now she was gone, and so was his sense of humor.
Trying to forget those days, he fidlopred his Ligtin stone, but to no effect.
The wind seemed to whisper his name: Kroanshka Kroanshka Kroanshka! Like the pain, he ignored it.
"Binkar," he cursed as he closed his bright bluish-hefla eyes. "Binkar it all to Shnuffle."
A sudden lightningstrike got him out of his trance, and he pressed his two hands together to try the stone again to find that it was gone. He had thrown it.

An epic beginning to any book, but let's see how it evolves:

Kirshna pulled out her dagger and started to slowly carve out the intestines of the enemy Laktoon. It screamed, still alive even as its intestines were being chopped up.
Not for long, thought Kirshna. She started to smash its head and out poured a gooey liquid...
Awesome. I only wish I had more from that scene. Okay, this next part comes after we've learned most of the Laktoon language:

"Bleshtek! If vir ka mi so so so so lol bashta!" Kirshna lik hin vir, men so la vir. Lik no soma ti, lik no sore: Kirshna vosh bloue Ligtin Fidlopre.
"Lol voo vira lol Binkar Shnuffle!" Slikar lol so kindo Kroanshka. Krishna ho lol no ti arama. Sinkor's hilios wahe liop Krishna's lol.
"Lol your mother!" Krishna kiloa lol roflmao king.

Well, I can't read it, but knowing Christopher Paolini it's all in the back of the book. The last scene that I have for you is in English, and is slightly related to Christopher's series Eragon.

"Lords!" said Krishna. "I merely cannot believe that there are dragons in our world!"
"Aye, and Elves!" Kroanshka couldn't take his eyes of Krishna's face, he just kept staring and loling. Behind theme, Sinkor was dragging his feet, but Arya poked him with her hidwort and he started rooshking.
"Aye," she said. "Aye." They stopped walking for a moment, just looking at each other, drawing ever closer...
"Move it," said Eragon, his voice crisp. "We must reach the mountaintops." he pointed up to the mountaintops.
"Indeed..." Krishna frowned. "Why are we going there now again?"
"Answers always lie in mountaintops." Eragon sounded slightly annoyed, but kept walking,
"Eragon, I'm not sure..."
"Answers always lie in mountaintops." Eragon's voice turned firm.
"Aye, it's true," said Arya.
"All right," grumbled Krishna.

I don't know about you guys, but I think it looks amazing and I can't wait for the full book to come out. The series will be called The Heirloom Chronicles. Cheers! ~Pact Tieren Dighd

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