Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
I just went through the entire blog and put labels in each post. The categories are "CGDA" "Comments" "F1R5T P05T" "Fake nobility" "Insanity" "Jonathan Coulton" "Laziness" "Math" "Observations" "PORTaL" "Pre-Essay Posts" "School" "Sick" "The Future" "Thing that wasn't on Thursday" "Thinking my audience doesn't know things" "Thursday Thing" "Updats" and "Youtube".
CGDA Stands for "Canned Goods Don't Age". It is the Webcomicish stuff I've done so far. CGDA is also the standard tuning of a cello.
Thursday Thing is the stuff that I do on Thursday.
Observations are little things that I've observed.
Thing that wasn't on Thursday is just that: A thing that wasn't on Thursday.
Ah... Organization. How nice.
P.S. I know "updates" is spelled wrong. And there are two types of spellings of observations. They are the same thing. "obserations", and "Observations". Why? Because I felt like it. Well, actually because I spelled it wrong the first time and was too lazy to fix it. Go ahead, kill the messenger... Who happened to have also been the culprit.
CGDA Stands for "Canned Goods Don't Age". It is the Webcomicish stuff I've done so far. CGDA is also the standard tuning of a cello.
Thursday Thing is the stuff that I do on Thursday.
Observations are little things that I've observed.
Thing that wasn't on Thursday is just that: A thing that wasn't on Thursday.
Ah... Organization. How nice.
P.S. I know "updates" is spelled wrong. And there are two types of spellings of observations. They are the same thing. "obserations", and "Observations". Why? Because I felt like it. Well, actually because I spelled it wrong the first time and was too lazy to fix it. Go ahead, kill the messenger... Who happened to have also been the culprit.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010

AFTeR getting my free copy of portal, I immediately realized what an amazing game it was. The graphics, physics, and plot are stunning. But there is more. For I have learned that the mighty overlord JONATHAN COULTON himself wrote music for it. Get the game and finish it; he wrote the ending theme. (NOtE: I already knew this... I just still think that it's awesome.)
In other news: I like to factor quadratics. YEAH.
Thursday, May 13, 2010

How to get into the Highest rated comments list on YouTube
These days, with the prices of colleges rocketing, the easiest way of getting into Yale or Harvard is not to pay all of that money, but to win an award before the age of 16, preferably for an incredible piece of writing or some sort of scientific discovery.
Before now, those were the only things you could do. Before now, there was no other way to cheat your way into college. Before now, there was no other completely trustworthy blog to rely on for this kind of information.
But now that there is, we at You Are Here (YAH) have discovered a new type of award. Well, us and the rest of the Internet. Meet the new YouTube! The new YouTube has so many useless features, the old amount that it had will seem pitiful in comparison. Among the jumble of shiny buttons and irritating advertisements, they have added the "Highest rated comments" feature, the newest way to convince yourself that anyone on the Internet actually cares what you think.
At the scene of the funny (Or as Wikipedia puts it "Amateur") videos, we investigate the new feature, which allows you to see the comments with the most little green thumbs next to it at the top of the page. This is useful because before this I didn't know who to respect and who not to respect based on the opinions of anyone who has the ability to watch videos.
There are some clear patterns as to getting into the top rated comments, which are rated here in order of effectiveness:
1. Put a smiley face in your comment. (See the picture.)
2. Put in a quote from the video in your comment. "We are The Knights Who Say... NIE."
3. Say you love, dig, or are attracted to the vid. (Even though the vid will say that it "just wants to be friends.")
4. Be in the top rated comments list already; people trust other's judgement as long as they're on the same video.
5. Say that your ex-girl/boyfriend/favorite teacher who's class you aren't in anymore loves this song and it's so happy and so sad at the same time. (If you haven't seen examples of this, then I won't believe you when you say that you've been on YouTube before.)
So if you need to get into a college (Which I believe may come in handy at some point), simply take my advice and you will be in! Just make sure that you're on the right videos...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
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