I just went through the
entire blog and put labels in each post. The categories are "CGDA" "Comments" "F1R5T P05T" "Fake nobility" "Insanity" "Jonathan Coulton" "Laziness" "Math" "Observations" "PORTaL" "Pre-Essay Posts" "School" "Sick" "The Future" "Thing that wasn't on Thursday" "Thinking my audience doesn't know things" "Thursday Thing" "Updats" and "Youtube".
CGDA Stands for "Canned Goods Don't Age". It is the Webcomicish stuff I've done so far. CGDA is also the standard tuning of a cello.
Thursday Thing is the stuff that I do on Thursday.
Observations are little things that I've observed.
Thing that wasn't on Thursday is just that: A thing that wasn't on Thursday.
Ah... Organization. How nice.
P.S. I know "updates" is spelled wrong. And there are two types of spellings of
observations. They are the same thing. "obserations", and "Observations". Why? Because I felt like it. Well, actually because I spelled it wrong the first time and was too lazy to fix it. Go ahead, kill the messenger... Who happened to have also been the culprit.